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Bitcoin Mega Wealthy

Creator: I)ruid
Requested: 1
Requests rejected: 0
Awarded: 0
Offered: 0
Offers rejected: 0


You have proven yourself to be Bitcoin mega wealthy! This achievement defines "mega wealthy" has having 100,000.00 BTC or more in the sending address at the time of request.


There are two ways to qualify for this achievement:

1. Use your Bitcoin wallet to sign a message with the content "Achieve Mint Bitcoin User Proof" (without quotes). When applying for this achievement, send the Bitcoin address used to sign the message and the signature in the Achieve Mint message sent along with the achievement award request. Once the signature has been verified and the balance of the signing address verified, you will be awarded this achievement if the balance of the signing address exceeds 100,000.0 BTC.

2. If your Bitcoin wallet does not support message signing, after requesting to be awarded this achievement, you will be sent a message with a Bitcoin address. Send any amount of BTC to this address. Once the BTC has been received and the balance of the sending address verified, you will be awarded this achievement if the balance of the sending address exceeds 100,000.0 BTC.

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