• Achievements available:118
  • Total number awarded:3472
  • Users registered:614
Earn real-world achievements with the Achieve Mint!


Development API Information


The Achieve Mint API will work with the JSON format for input and output parameters. Available data structures to use as method parameters are described below in the “Data types” section. Non-primitive data types must be passed to the server as plain JSON objects of structure defined in this document.

Method parameters must be submitted via an HTTP POST to the API server as fields of a single object in the request body. URL to the call method should be in the following format


AUTH_TOKEN is the authentication token returned by the “auth” method. The “auth” method itself is the only method that can be called without providing this token.

The output for every method is a single JSON-object with the method call results as separate fields. If some error occurred during the method call, this object will contain a single field named “error” containing an object of type Error.

User identity

Achieve Mint API utilizes a special data type “Identity” that consists of a number of fields that Achieve Mint user might be identified with. When using an object of this data type only one field is required to be provided but it can be any of the fields listed. Currently the API supports identifying a user by Achieve Mint ID and email address. New types of identifiers (like Facebook or Twitter ID) will be added in future versions). The main purpose of this data type is to allow 3rd party systems to grant achievements to users and not worry if these users actually have an Achieve Mint account. Upon awarding an achievement to an identity, the API will first look for a user matching the provided identity and grant an achievement offer if user is found. If there is no such user in the Achieve Mint system, the identity will be stored along with the achievement to be offered and a newly registered user will receive these offers right when their registration confirmation is complete and their identity matches the one stored in the database. An example of this workflow can be found on a diagram below.

External identifiers usage example Figure 1 - External identifiers usage example

API version

Additional global prefix for “version” might be used in any request to force the API server to use any currently supported concrete version to service the request, for example:


If no version is set in the request the latest version will be used by the server. A special method “available_version” may be used without authentication token to retrieve a list of available versions.

API user account

The authentication token received via the “auth” method for account usage is bound to the account whose credentials were used for authentication (initial account). When initial account creates a new (sub) account it cannot act on its behalf immediately. To do this, the 3rd party system must request a new token bound to the subaccount (re-authenticate) to use the API on its behalf.

Sandbox API

Sandbox API endpoint available at following URL: http://api.achievemint.net/. All requests that executed with this address will be processed at separate server and will not affect real site data.

Sandbox API has a set of predefined users, who can create another tests users and perform any API operations. Access to sandbox API can be obtained by request to Achievemint Administrator via contact page or email to development@achievemint.net.

All operations that require administration approval, such as template publishing or updating are approved automatically. Created by sandbox API users will be approved automatically because mail system in Sandbox API is disabled.

Data types

Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint user unique identifier
email String User email
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint user unique identifier
email String User email
token String 32-symbol hash code for authenticating subsequent API calls
authority_categories Array Array of user authority categories
status String User activity status. Possible values: “active”, “inactive”
avatar String 50x50 user picture URL
online Boolean User online status
last_visited Number User last visited time (Unix timestamp)
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint template unique identifier
name String Template name
description String Template description
icon String Template icon URL
categories Array Template categories list
difficulty Number Difficulty Rating. Possible values: [0.0, 5.0]
credibility Number Credibility Ration. Possible values: [0.0, 5.0]
status String Template publishing status. Possible values: “published”, “draft”
attachments Array(‘name’,’url’) Array of the files attached to the template
featured Boolean Featured status
publish_date Number Template publishing date. Unix timestamp
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint achievement unique identifier
user User Achievement receiver
template Template Achievement template
award_date Number Achievement award date. Unix timestamp
Achievement Offer
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint achievement offer unique identifier
user User Achievement receiver
template Template Achievement template
Achievement Request
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint achievement offer unique identifier
user User Achievement receiver
template Template Achievement template
Field Type Description
code Number Error code
description String Error description
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint category unique identifier
name String Category name
Field Type Description
format String Image format, available values are: “png”, “jpg”
data String Base64 encoded image content
url String Optional URL for the image, if no data is specified, Achieve Mint server will download image from this URL.
Field Type Description
format String File format, available values are: “jpg”, “png”, “gif”, “doc”, “docx”, “xls”, “xlsx”, “ppt”, “pptx”, “zip”, “rar”, “html”.
name String File name as provided by user
data String Base64 encoded file content
url String Optional url for the file, if no data is specified, Achieve Mint server will download file from this url.


Authorization and user management

This is the main authentication method that must be called first to acquire user object with generated authentication token to use in subsequent method calls.
Field Type Description
identity Identity User identity
password String User password
Field Type Description
user User User object with generated auth token
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/auth.json -d 'identity={"email":"email_string"}&password=password_string'
Method returns user object that is found by email
Field Type Description
identity Identity User email to look for
Field Type Description
user User User object
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/user.json -d 'identity={"email":"email_string"}&token=token'
User registration method. If some part of the provided data is invalid a validation error will be returned.
Field Type Description
email String User email, max length 128
password String User password, max length 128
name String Full user name, max length 50
nickname String User nickname, max length 50, optional
avatar Image User avatar image file, optional
Field Type Description
user User Registered user
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/create_user.json -d 'email=email_string&password=password_string&name=name_string &nickname=nickname_string&avatar={"format":"png","data":null,"url":"full_image_web_address"}&token=token'

Achievements and Templates management

Returns an achievement object by its id
Field Type Description
id Number Achievement internal id
Field Type Description
achievement Achievement Found achievement object.
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/achievement.json -d 'id=achievement_id&token=token'
Returns a list of achievement objects filtered by provided criteria
Field Type Description
user_identity Identity Achievement owner as a filter
type String Achievements type. Possible values: “awarded”, “received”
categories Array List of categories identifiers to look for
awarded_from Number Lower bound of creation time to search
awarded _to Number Upper bound of creation time to search
new Boolean Get only new (not viewed) achievements
sort String Sort type for achievements. Possible values: “id”, “name”, “awarded”
order String Sorting order. Possible values: “asc”, “desc”
limit Number
offset Number
Field Type Description
achievement Array Found achievement objects.
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/find_achievements.json -d 'user_identity={"email":"email_string"}&type=awarded&categories=[1,2,3]&awarded_from=1375086214&awarded_to=1375286214&new=1&sort=id&order=asc&limit=10&offset=0&token=token'
This method is the only method that returns a ZIP-archive with the exported achievements in the XML format instead of a standard JSON response.
Field Type Description
user_identity Identity Achievement owner as a filter
achievement_ids Array List of user achievements to be exported
ZIP-archive with requested achievements as XML-files
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/export_achievements.json -d 'user_identity={"email":"email_string"}&achievement_ids=[1,2,3]&token=token'
Returns achievement template object by its id
Field Type Description
id Number Template internal id
Field Type Description
template Template Found template object.
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/template.json -d 'id=template_id&token=token'
Returns list of achievement template objects filtered by provided criteria
Field Type Description
categories Array List of categories identifiers to look for
status String Template publishing status. Possible values: “published”, “draft”
sort String Sort type for achievements. Possible values: “id”, “name”, “created”
order String Sorting order. Possible values: “asc”, “desc”
limit Number
offset Number
Field Type Description
templates Array<Template> Found template objects.
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/find_templates.json -d 'user_identity={"email":"email_string"}&status=published&categories=[1,2,3] &sort=id&order=asc&limit=10&offset=0&token=token'
Creates a new achievement template object
Field Type Description
categories Array List of categories identifiers to link to template
title String Template title, max length 200
description String Template descriptions, max length 1000
attachments Array Template file attachments
icon Image Template icon image file, optional
New template will be created in draft state and must be approved by administrator to become available for awarding. Template will be automatically sent to moderation queue upon creation.
Field Type Description
template Template Created template object.
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/create_template.json -d 'categories=[1,2,3]&title=title_string&description=description_string&attachments=[{"format":"png","name":"attachment_name","data":null,"url":"full_image_web_address"}]&icon={"format":"png","data":null,"url":"full_image_web_address"}&token=token'
Updatestoke existing achievement template object
Field Type Description
id integer Template version ID
categories Array List of categories identifiers to link to template
title String Template title, max length 200
description String Template descriptions, max length 1000
attachments Array Template file attachments
remove_attachment boolean If true, removes all attachments from the template
icon Image Template icon image file, optional
New template will be created in draft state and must be approved by administrator to become available for awarding. Template will be automatically sent to moderation queue upon creation.
Field Type Description
template Template Created template object.
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/update_template.json -d 'id=template_id&categories=[1,2,3]&title=title_string&description=description_string&attachments=[{"format":"png","name":"attachment_name","data":null,"url":"full_image_web_address"}]&remove_attachment=1&icon={"format":"png","data":null,"url":"full_image_web_address"}&token=token'
Awards the user with an achievement, the achievement offer instance is created following a provided template ID. If provided user does not exists in the system yet, he/she will receive awarded achievement offers upon registration.
Field Type Description
user_identity Identity Identity of the user that is to receive an achievement
template_id Number Internal template id to award
callback_url String Optional. Valid url to be called on achievement offer accept or reject. This url will be called by Achieve Mint system when user accepts or rejects provided offer. Unique token will be passed to this url to identify that caller is Achieve Mint.
Field Type Description
offer AchievementOffer Achievement offer pending user request
callback_token String Unique 32-symbols token that is to be passed to callback url
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/award.json -d 'user_identity={"email":"email_string"}&template_id=template_id&callback_url=full_callback_web_address&token=token'
Cancels pending achievement offer
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint achievement offer identifier
Field Type Description
success Boolean Operation result
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/cancel_offer.json -d 'id=offer_id&token=token'
Cancels pending achievement offer
Field Type Description
limit Number
offset Number
Field Type Description
requests Array Operation result
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/find_requests.json -d 'limit=10&offset=0&token=token'
Accepts pending achievement request
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint achievement request identifier
Field Type Description
success Boolean Operation result
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/accept_request.json -d 'id=request_id&token=token'
Rejects pending achievement request
Field Type Description
id Number Internal Achieve Mint achievement request identifier
Field Type Description
success Boolean Operation result
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/reject_request.json -d 'id=request_id&token=token'
Returns list of pending achievement offers for current owner templates
Field Type Description
limit Number
offset Number
Field Type Description
requests Array Operation result
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/find_offers.json -d 'limit=10&offset=0&token=token'
Accepts pending achievement offer
Field Type Description
limit Number Internal Achieve Mint achievement request identifier
Field Type Description
success Boolean Operation result
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/accept_offer.json -d 'id=request_id&token=token'
Accepts pending achievement offer
Field Type Description
limit Number Internal Achieve Mint achievement request identifier
Field Type Description
success Boolean Operation result
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/reject_offer.json -d 'id=request_id&token=token'


Returns list of API versions available for use
Field Type Description
versions Array List of available API versions
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/available_versions.json
Returns current API version
Field Type Description
version String Current API verion, e.g. “1.6”
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/current_version.jsonn
Returns related categories according to relation type
Field Type Description
category_id Number Internal category identifier
relation String

Type of category hierarchy relation. Available options are:

  • “parents” (returns a parent chain starting from immediate parent up to the root category)
  • “children” (returns a list of immediate children)
  • “siblings-next” (returns a list of all siblings that are following this category)
  • “siblings-prev” (returns a list of all siblings that are preceding this category)
  • “siblings” (returns al ist of all siblings of this category)
Field Type Description
categories Array List of requested categories according to relation field
Example Call
curl https://www.achievemint.net/api/1.0/category_hierarchy.json -d 'category_id=1&relation=children&token=token'

Become an Achieve Mint
Member now!

Sign Up to Achieve Mint and you will be able to:

  • Publish your achievements
  • Create your own achievement templates
  • Award achievements to other people
  • Rate achievements

Sign Up Now!

Read more about Achieve Mint →

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Confirmation dialog

Authority in

Search achievements with these words:

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Enter your friends' addresses divided by ";" and click "Share":

Send your friends unique link:

Copy link and send it to your friends (via messenger, email, etc.):

New Message


Attach file

Award achievement

If the recipient already has an Achieve Mint account, then we will link the award with their account

If the person does not have Achieve Mint account, then they will be notified that they have been awarded on achievement and will have an option to set up an Achieve Mint account

Award achievement to your friend via Facebook message

Award achievement to your friend via Twitter message

Suggest achievement award

If the recipient already has an Achieve Mint account, then we will link the award with their account

If the person does not have Achieve Mint account, then they will be notified that they have been awarded on achievement and will have an option to set up an Achieve Mint account


Apply to be Awarded this Achievement


Attach file

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