• Achievements available:118
  • Total number awarded:3489
  • Users registered:614
Earn real-world achievements with the Achieve Mint!

About Us

About the Achieve Mint

Welcome to the Achieve Mint!

The Achieve Mint is a web application that allows users to both create and award real-world achievements to other users.  In addition to awarding and receiving achievements created here on the Achieve Mint site, the Achieve Mint aims to aggregate achievements awarded to users by other third-parties employing acheivement systems such as video games or gaming networks and social sites.  Earn more real-world achievements with the Achieve Mint!

Getting Started

Getting started is quick and easy!  Create an account with the Achieve Mint by either signing in using your Facebook account or by creating an account directly with our site.  Once you have an account you're ready to get started creating and awarding achievements.

Creating an Achievement

Before you can award someone an achievement, you must first create it.  This is called creating an achievement template.  Using our quick and easy achievement template creator, you provide all of the information about your achievement such as its name, categories it should be listed under, description, and a graphical icon to represent it.  The icon can either be uploaded directly or created with our icon builder tool.

Once you have created your template it will reside in your templates draft area until you are ready to publish it.  By clicking the publish button, it will be submitted for review by the moderators.  Upon approval, it will then be listed in your Published Achievements area and be ready to be awarded!

Awarding an Achievement

Once you've created a template and it resides in your Published Achievements area, you can use that template to award other users instances of that achievement that are created from the template.  Simply click the Award button and a dialog will prompt you to enter the recipient's Achieve Mint user name, Facebook account, or email address.

Users can also request to be awarded an achievement.  If another users requests to be awarded one of your achievements, a message will appear in the Award Requests area of your Message Box as well as an accompanying message in the regular Messages area.  You may approve or reject the request from the Award Reqeusts area, and if your achievement has any requirements that the user must satisfy in order to qualify, the accompanying message may contain that information.

Being Awarded an Achievement

When another user awards you an achievement, claiming it is also quick and easy!  Simply browse to the message in the Award Offers area of your Message Box and click Accept!  You also have the option to reject or ignore an offer if you so choose.

We hope that you enjoy the functionality provided by the Achieve Mint, and if you have any suggestions for additional features you would like to see or have any other feedback, please do Contact Us.

Become an Achieve Mint
Member now!

Sign Up to Achieve Mint and you will be able to:

  • Publish your achievements
  • Create your own achievement templates
  • Award achievements to other people
  • Rate achievements

Sign Up Now!

Read more about Achieve Mint →

Recent Awards

Top Authorities

I)ruid Authority in: Bitcoin Internet Money and 6 more
Trammell Productions
Trammell Productions Authority in: Austin Gambling Earth and 15 more

Popular Achievements

Joined the Crew of the Emerald Dawn
Joined the Crew of the Emerald Dawn by I)ruid
InfoSec Southwest 2012 Speaker
InfoSec Southwest 2012 Speaker by InfoSec Southwest Conference
WRONG! ...on the Internet
WRONG! ...on the Internet by I)ruid
InfoSec Southwest 2013 Staff
InfoSec Southwest 2013 Staff by InfoSec Southwest Conference
Tastiest Treat
Tastiest Treat by Nina Deckard


Confirmation dialog

Authority in

Search achievements with these words:

Share achievement to your friends:

Share by email

Enter your friends' addresses divided by ";" and click "Share":

Send your friends unique link:

Copy link and send it to your friends (via messenger, email, etc.):

New Message


Attach file

Award achievement

If the recipient already has an Achieve Mint account, then we will link the award with their account

If the person does not have Achieve Mint account, then they will be notified that they have been awarded on achievement and will have an option to set up an Achieve Mint account

Award achievement to your friend via Facebook message

Award achievement to your friend via Twitter message

Suggest achievement award

If the recipient already has an Achieve Mint account, then we will link the award with their account

If the person does not have Achieve Mint account, then they will be notified that they have been awarded on achievement and will have an option to set up an Achieve Mint account


Apply to be Awarded this Achievement


Attach file

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